Bilkent Cyberpark
Our Facility
Our facility located in capital city of Turkey, Ankara.
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Cyberpark Technopark
Our depot located in Cyberpark, which is a technopark of Bilket University. Our depot is 50 km to the international Esenboga (ESB) airport, which have also custom capabilities.
Our office entrance
7/24 armed security guards is located all over the campus area. Also CCTV ta
There is CCTV monitoring of the entrances to the building, entrances to depots and in the depots also.
- Security alarms are connected to the industrial park security and the local police station. The police response time was stated as approximately 15 min.
- Videos are stored 30 days long in a surveliance server.
Access Control
The depot is within a business park surrounded by fencing. Access to the business park is controlled by a security gate and has a security guardhouse manned 24/7/365.
Access Control
- Depot rooms are locked all the time and the keys are kept by the project team. Security guards patrol the park and building.
- Entry to the building is regulated by key card entry. Access to the storage area is via locked door and keypad into the corridor and locked door into the storage area. All doors are kept closed and locked. The storage area is intruder alarmed.
Intrusion Alarms
The depot has two alarms system. One is business park the other one is our security vendors'.
- Security alarms are connected to the industrial park security and the local police station. The police response time was stated as approximately 15 min.
- Also system triggers automatic phone calls to our team.
Temperature & Humidity Monitoring
The temperature of the warehouse, refrigerator and freezers and humidity measurement are followed-up regularly by the special devices.
Temperature Control
- The devices record the temperature and humidity of the warehouse electronically every 15 minutes. The data are transferred to data server vendor by the internet. The responsible for the warehouse can reach, monitor and import the data online to their computers regularly by the specific username and password.
Power Generation and Backup
In the event of power loss, a diesel generator for the entire site (managed by the landlord) switches on within 10 seconds. Generator testing is monthly via the landlord’s service plan.
Power Generation and Backup
- Also, there is a 10kVA online UPS device which sufficient to run refrigerator and freezers for 140 minutes in case of power failure.
- In addition to the main generator, Omega also retains the use of a small portable generator (3kVA) to reinforce the facility in the event of power loss.
Fire Protection
There are fire alarm points and smoke detectors throughout the building and in the storage area.
Fire Protection
There are also fire extinguishers within easy reach in both office and warehouse areas.
On activation the fire alarm will automatically alert the industrial park security. The alarm system is also connected to the local fire brigade. The response time is 5-10 minutes.
heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC)
There is a 28.000 BTU total cooling capacity of fan coil which connects to landlord main cooling/heating system in the depot which keeps the temperature between 15-25 °C by working as cooler
- Also there are one 18.000 BTU air conditioner, two 12.000 BTU air conditioner in the depot. If there is a problem about the fan coil system, the air conditioners will keeps the temperature between 15-25 °C by working as both a heater/cooler and humidity control.
Warehouse is disinfected according to the procedure for the pest control and its documents are kept every month.
Pest Control
Pest control is outsourced to a vendor that performs monitoring on a monthly basis. The approved pesticides are being used on Warehouse are documented within this SOP and approved by the Turkish MoH and WHO for use in pharmaceutical facilities. In addition to the contractor visits, Omega performs regular visual documented inspections.